Germany 2014; Flips, Fires Fun and Frustration

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Germany 2014; Flips, Flames, Fun and Frustration
  • Artist: Formula Pubscast
  • Year: 2014-05-22T18:08

So much to talk about!!

This year's German GP featured a huge amount of talking points, which is fortunate for us because this podcast is all talk.
Welcome to the Formula Pubscast for Germany 2014 as the F1 nuts down at Birmingham's apres bar witnessed and reacted to another one of those races that make you proud to be an F1 fan.

Featured in this episode are Peter's one F1 stat he trots out every few weeks, Button spotting a surprise appearance from head of Downforce Radio, Jake Sanson, and I think even the censorship Bully makes an appearance in there somewhere.

You can always tweet to @formulapubscast if you want to interact or even enquire how you can appear on the pubscast.
Or why not log on to to find out which location near you is showing you the race and let you sample such a great atmosphere yourself.

Hungary follows only 7 days after the race, can it be this good again?