Formula Pubscast Abu-Dhabi 2014 PART ONE; LeWINS HamilWON

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  • Song Name: Abu-Dhabi 2014 PART 1: LeWINS HamilWON
  • Artist: Formula Pubscast
  • Year: 2014

-----------Special Extra Long Pubcast is too long for Itunes to upload in 1 long part, so here is the first part, the PRE-RACE opinions.------------------------

For the title deciding final race of the season we saw the biggest crowd of the year descend on Birmingham's Apres Bar to enjoy the race and either celebrate or commiserate with their fellow fans depending on their

To capture this special experience, we gave the Pubscast special permission to overrun, start earlier and finish later to cram in all the reactions and views of Lewis Hamilton's title decider, and yet still had time to talk Bernie's views on F1, Alonso's continual contract soap opera and what sadly seemed like Alonso's final race.

But as ever, no written description of the Pubcast can really sum up the knock about, off the cuff, random waffle of Paul the Pubcaster and his cast of Opinionated pub-based Formula One fans, it hasn't changed all season so you know what you're getting by now!

Thanks to everyone who attended Motorsport In Pubs events over 2014 and especially those who put up with being bothered a random idiot with a podcast machine interrupting their lunch.

If you'd like to join in the fun in 2015, you can head to our website and find out what location close to you is showing the races.

And a BIG thanks to downforce radio for broadcasting this stupid little comedy podcast thing on their illustrious radio station, give them a listen when you have the chance for more Motorsport podcasts and radio shows

Listen especially in december for the Motorsport In Pubs awards ceremony, you can vote for your favourite F1 Driver, Moto GP Rider and even your favourite pub showing the races in 2014.
Vote here:

Right, I think that's everything, Once again, well done Lewis, keep fighting Jules and Micheal and thanks to everyone involved for a great season in 2014.
More of the same please in 2015!