Formula Pubscast 2015; Rise of the Machines

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  • Song Name: Australia 2015: Rise of the Machines
  • Artist: Formula Pubscast
  • Year: 2015

Meet the new F1 season, same as the old F1 season....almost!

A new season kicks off as it usually does on the Formula Pubscast, down at the Motorsport In Pubs event for the Australian Grand 5am!

Lots of passionate, hardcore fans managed to crawl out of their warm beds to fuel their racing passion and see in the first race of the season, so obviously it was the perfect opportunity to get sluggish and drowsy opinions before people's brains woke up properly!

Lewis Won, Mclaren faltered, Lotus crashed, other stuff happened and even Arnold Schwarzenegger turned up...were we dreaming?
Only one way to find out....listen!!

Head to the motorsport in pubs website to find out what location close to you is showing the race.

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