Bahrain 2015; A Kimi Com-eth

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  • Song Name: Bahrain 2015: A Kimi Come-th
  • Artist: Formula Pubscast
  • Album: 2015
  • Year: 2015

Finally, Formula 1 returns to a sensible start time, which means the Formula Pubscast returns in Earnest.

Sadly the city of Earnest does not hold a grand prix so instead it returns to the Apres Bar in Birmingham to document the fan reaction to the 2015 Bahrain Grand Prix

We had to fight against a very local and for some stupid reason important football match going on downstairs, so even a few of the regulars ducked out immediately after the finish.
We still managed to hear from Big Mac's big Strategy call and Mr Rally Co Driver man on his best crashes he suffered during his rallying career while not in the car.
And none of us were secretly watching the British Touring Car meeting from Donington on our Tablets which was stupidly scheduled to clash with the grand prix.
No, none of us. And anyone who says we were is LYING

Another good win for Lewis, lets see if anyone can catch him as the F1 circus returns to its European homeland for the Spanish Grand Prix on May 10th!

Come join us or find out where close to you is showing the races live

And listen to the excellent Nation's favourite motorsport station that kindly hosts this podcast amid other motorsport based shows: