Formula Pubcast 2018: (Re)Intro-Cast (Pre Monaco)

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  • Year: 2018

Surprise! We're back, due to no demand and no-one's request

We decided this "talking about F1 down a pub" idea was far too good to let sit idle, and in advance of probably not having anywhere else to watch the races when Sky take over completely in 2019, we thought we'd bring back the old favourite.
Someone's old favourite, somewhere. Maybe.

To re-acquaint you with the Pubcast, we thought we'd record this short(ish) (Re)-intro cast so we can set our stall out once again, and also bring ourselves up to date with everything that's happened since we were last podcasting.

Everything gets discussed from Nico Rosberg's championship, the rise, fall, rise and fall (and fall again) of Max Verstappen, Williams get the picture.
